Mindspirit is a rock and roll band that plays 60's and 70's
classic rock songs by
the likes of Blind Faith, Traffic, Quicksilver
Messenger Service, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Moby Grape, The Allman Brothers,
Crosby, Stills, Nash and sometimes Young, The Stones...
You get the idea
Like all these great bands,
we take our cues
from many artists starting with Chuck Berry. Sometimes, the energy created through a phenomenon known
as "small band improvisation" (aka JAMMING) can turn a particular performance of any song
into something special and
quite rewarding to the audience and the band.
Anyone is welcome to tape/record/photograph at any time. We encourage you to share
the media with us by contacting us
one way or another. We promise to post the ones we like.
Setlist/Show Archives
Photo Gallery
YouTube Channel
Archive.org Library