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Remarks delivered by NOAA Administrator on sustainable oceans at University of California Davis
A highly specialized NOAA jet typically used to study hurricanes will fly over the north Pacific Ocean during the next two months gathering data that will enhance winter storm forecasts for the entire North American continent.
The USGS does not maintain statistics on oil production or information on consumption. However, production information can be obtained from publicly available sources like the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas Division, https://www.dmr.nd.gov/oilgas/bakkenwells.asp and/or…
The USGS does not make forecasts about the future potential of a particular resource to resolve national energy needs. Â It is difficult to determine if oil from the Bakken Formation, or any of the formations we have done assessments on, could offset other sources of oil. A number of logistical and…
Three large commercial vessels who were assessed civil penalties this fall for violating seasonal speed limits designed to protect one of the most endangered whale species in the world have paid their penalties in full. Cases against six other vessels for the same offense are still open.
By combining detailed chemical measurements in the deep ocean, in the oil slick, and in the air, NOAA scientists and academic colleagues have independently estimated how fast gases and oil were leaking during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
On Jan. 5, Dr. Jane Lubchenco announced that she has chosen Eric Schwaab, assistant administrator for NOAA Fisheries, to serve as NOAA’s acting assistant secretary of commerce for conservation and management.
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Feedback Sought on Proposed Invasive Species Regulations (Jan 3, 2012) TPWD will be hosting two scoping meetings (Jan 16 and 17) in North Texas this month to get public feedback on a pair of proposed new regulations aimed at…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Congress Approves $300 Million for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (Dec 19, 2011) The approved funding keeps the ball rolling for the historic levels of federal investment in Great Lakes cleanup through the Great Lakes…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Experts and National Attorneys General Discuss Invasive Species (Dec 1, 2011) Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette moderated an invasive species panel discussion before the Winter Meeting of the National Association of Attorneys…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Many New Upcoming Invasive Species Conferences added, including : Aquatics Invasive Species Summit (Pelican River Watershed District, Minnesota) -- Jan 14, 2012 2012 Tamarisk Symposium -- Feb 15,17, 2012 Great Lakes Commission…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Vermont Invasives This site provides a landing page for Vermonters interested in learning more about invasive insects, plants and pathogens. In addition, the Web site is designed to guide visitors to the appropriate place to learn…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Status of Felt Restrictions in the United States Since 2009 there has been an increasing move toward restricting the use of felt soled waders and wading boots. Effective Jan 1, 2012 Rhode Island has banned the use of felt soles in…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- New Courses/Training for Professionals for 2012 Explores opportunities related to continuing education for invasive species management professionals. * See our Education for Professionals section for more resources.
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- ANS Control Paper Release and Comment Period - Open through Feb 17, 2012 Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS) will explore options and technologies available, collectively known as aquatic nuisance species…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Invasive Plant Science and Management - Oct-Dec 2011 (Vol 4, Issue 4) is now available online. Note : Article abstracts are available to everyone. Full-text articles may require a subscription (USDA access through DigiTop ).…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Many New Upcoming Invasive Species Conferences added, including : Riparian Restoration Workshop -- Jan 12, 2012 2012 Science, Practice & Art of Restoring Ecosystems Conference -- Jan 20-21, 2012 Idaho Weed Conference -- Feb…
NOAA has awarded the first year of an anticipated five-year, $4 million grant to scientists researching the causes of Ciguatera fish poisoning, the most common form of algal toxin-induced seafood poisoning in the world, focusing on the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean.
NOAA is seeking public comment on a draft environmental impact statement describing how offshore oil and gas activities in the U.S. Beaufort and Chukchi seas could affect marine mammals and the Alaska Native communities that depend on them for subsistence.
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- See our new page for Smartphone applications -- Provides general resources for smartphones applications (apps) to assist in tracking, monitoring various species, including invasive species. * See our Monitoring section for more…