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Remarks delivered by NOAA Administrator on sustainable oceans at University of California Davis
Sinkholes are common where the rock below the land surface is limestone, carbonate rock, salt beds, or rocks that can naturally be dissolved by ground water circulating through them. As the rock dissolves, spaces and caverns develop underground. Sinkholes are dramatic because the land usually stays…
A highly specialized NOAA jet typically used to study hurricanes will fly over the north Pacific Ocean during the next two months gathering data that will enhance winter storm forecasts for the entire North American continent.
By Lina YounesAt home, we try to do our best to give the proper maintenance to our cars. Not only does it improve vehicle performance, increases fuel efficiency, and saves money, but it protects the environment as well. So, in spite of our efforts to maintain our cars properly, I noticed that our…
Por Lina YounesEn casa, siempre tratamos de darle buen mantenimiento a nuestros automóviles. No tan sólo mejora el rendimiento del vehículo, aumenta la eficiencia del combustible y ahorra dinero, sino que protege el medio ambiente también. Por eso, pese a nuestros esfuerzos por llevar el auto al…
The USGS does not make forecasts about the future potential of a particular resource to resolve national energy needs. It is difficult to determine if oil from the Bakken Formation, or any of the formations we have done assessments on, could offset other sources of oil. A number of logistical and…
Each week we write about the science behind environmental protection.Previous Science Wednesdays.By Sarah BlauLet’s just take a moment to think about nitrogen. Symbol: N. Atomic number: 7. Atomic mass: 14u. But unless you’re a chemist this doesn’t mean too much…So let’s think about other…
Three large commercial vessels who were assessed civil penalties this fall for violating seasonal speed limits designed to protect one of the most endangered whale species in the world have paid their penalties in full. Cases against six other vessels for the same offense are still open.
Hay muchas cosas que usted puede hacer por su salud. Yo, yo voy a vivir para siempre. Yo como vegetales, tomo vitaminas, hago ejercicios, compro productos orgánicos, evito los productos químicos, utilizo un filtro de aire, y tomo té verde. ¿Sabe en qué debería estar pensando?. Bueno, el…
By Jani PalmerThere’s a lot that you can do for your health. Me, I’m going to live forever. I eat my veggies, take vitamins, exercise, buy organic, avoid chemicals, use a pleated air filter and drink green tea. Know what else you should be thinking about? Well, last year I wrote about how I…
By: Brittney GordonWe are now one week into 2012. Are you working on a New Year’s Resolution yet? Every year I join countless Americans in making a resolution. Usually my goals revolve around two main topics: losing weight and saving money. I have had some success—and an equal amount of failure.…
By combining detailed chemical measurements in the deep ocean, in the oil slick, and in the air, NOAA scientists and academic colleagues have independently estimated how fast gases and oil were leaking during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
By Kara KoehrnIn 1984, when a deadly cloud of chemical gas killed thousands of people in Bhopal India, a power movement was set in motion. Back then, Americans had little access to information about chemicals in their neighborhood. The spill in Bhopal along with another accident at a sister plant in…
By Jeanethe Falvey Both are colorless and odorless. Both, I believe are also in the gaseous phase, but to tell you the truth when I was little I didn’t stick around in any darkened room or hallway long enough to find out for sure. I booked it to my room well before any chance of that. Radon [...]
By Nancy StonerOn a beautiful, sunny Florida day last week, I visited Roberts Bay near Sarasota and saw several stormwater and wastewater treatment projects that have restored the bay’s health. It’s remarkable what the Sarasota Bay National Estuary Program has accomplished with a staff of five…
On Jan. 5, Dr. Jane Lubchenco announced that she has chosen Eric Schwaab, assistant administrator for NOAA Fisheries, to serve as NOAA’s acting assistant secretary of commerce for conservation and management.
By Lina YounesDuring the holidays, I was waiting in line at a major retailer. While waiting, I noticed that they had several displays near the cashiers highlighting the retailer’s commitment to protecting the environment. In fact, they prominently displayed their actions in favor of sustainability…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Feedback Sought on Proposed Invasive Species Regulations (Jan 3, 2012) TPWD will be hosting two scoping meetings (Jan 16 and 17) in North Texas this month to get public feedback on a pair of proposed new regulations aimed at…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Congress Approves $300 Million for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (Dec 19, 2011) The approved funding keeps the ball rolling for the historic levels of federal investment in Great Lakes cleanup through the Great Lakes…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Experts and National Attorneys General Discuss Invasive Species (Dec 1, 2011) Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette moderated an invasive species panel discussion before the Winter Meeting of the National Association of Attorneys…