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Each week we write about the science behind environmental protection. Previous Science Wednesdays.By Leslie Gillespie-MarthalerAs someone who has spent time on military installations and has a great respect for the Army community, I’m thrilled to be helping the Army work toward “Net Zero†and…
Learn what the USGS is doing to understand natural hazards and mitigate their effects on human life and property at the USGS Natural Hazards Web site , which has information on the following related hazards topics: Â Earthquakes Volcanoes Floods Hurricanes Tsunamis Information on wildfires…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Grant and Partnership Programs that Can Address Invasive Species Research, Technical Assistance, Prevention and Control - Federal Fiscal Year 2012 (Nov 22, 2011; PDF | 167KB) This workbook…
The High School Greenversations blog has a new home – come visit us!EPA’s main blog site, Greenversations, has been the home of the High School Blog since August, 2009. But, like many students, we’re spreading our wings and taking on a new challenge: The EPA Students Blog!The EPA Student Blog…
By Ellen GilinskyWhat a perfect setting for the 2011National Tribal Water Quality Conference – the Posuwageh, or water meeting place, on the Pueblo of Pojoaque outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico.  The land of big skies, open spaces and tribal traditions played host to a meeting of tribal water…
By Lina YounesDoesn’t it seem that stores are trying to get consumers in the holiday spending spirit earlier than ever? It’s not just the fact that holiday decorations are go up months before Thanksgiving, but now we’re seeing the big store chains promoting super deals even before Black…
Por Lina Younes¿No les parece que las tiendas están tratando de convencer a los consumidores que empiecen a comprar los regalos para las fiestas mucho más temprano que nunca antes? No se trata sólo del hecho que las tiendas ya han colocado decoraciones para las fiestas con meses en antelación…
By Felicia ChouI’ve seen a lot of mold in my life. Bluish-green spotty ones, cottony white ones, even bright orange ones. I’ve been seeing them more often when digging around in my fridge, which is now a thriving spore-iffic ecosystem. And with Thanksgiving is coming up, I’m sure there will be…
Each week we write about the science behind environmental protection. Previous Science Wednesdays.By Abbey RellerEarlier this fall I attended the book launch for an effort to incorporate sustainability into every aspect EPA takes to protect the environment: Sustainability and the U.S. EPA, or as it…
By Matthew DalbeyOn November 17, I traveled with Deputy Administrator Bob Perciasepe and USDA Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan to Brevard, North Carolina, a town of fewer than 7,000 people in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The deputies held a roundtable discussion with local officials, community…
By Sandra O’NeillIt’s March 16, 2006. I’m in the back of a pick-up truck riding down a slick mixture of mud and clay. The truck’s wheels search for traction in places where the road has split into child-sized crevasses. It’s the rainy season in Madagascar, and water has transformed a…
There are of course some clear differences. After watching “Touching the Void†last night, I have zero inclination to find my way to the top of anything that steep, or that cold. While I thoroughly enjoy the outdoors, clinging to survival while climbing further UP doesn’t do it for me. A great…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- The Proceedings for " Microbial Biocontrol of Arthropods, Weeds, and Plant Pathogens: Risks, Benefits and Challenges " held Nov 28-Dec 1, 2010 are now available. Presentations and Presentation summaries are available for…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is reopening the comment period for a notice that advised the public that we have determined that 41 taxa of plants for planting are quarantined pests and 107 taxa of plants for…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Unlikely Stowaways: Weed Seed Travel to Faraway Places on Cars, Trucks and ATVs (Oct 19, 2011) When you take your four-wheel drive out for a spin this fall, you might be bringing home more than memories. Researchers at Montana…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- The Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program of the USDA Forest Service has created a series of downloadable invasive plant distribution maps for its Northern Region (includes 24 states). The distributions on these maps portray…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- White-Nose Syndrome Research - FWS-R5-ES-12-001 The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is pleased to announce the availability of new funding for projects related directly to the investigation and management of white-nose syndrome…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Culprit Identified: Fungus Causes Deadly Bat Disease (Oct 26, 2011) The appropriately named fungus Geomyces destructans is the cause of deadly white-nose syndrome (WNS) in bats, according to research published in the journal…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Don't Panic: The Animal's Guide to Hitchhiking (Oct 21, 2011) New research suggests that hitch-hiking, once believed to be the exclusive domain of beat poets and wanderers, is in fact an activity that daring members of the…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- West Nile virus transmission linked to land use patterns, 'super-spreaders' (Oct 20, 2011) In most places, only a few key species of bird "hosts" and mosquito "vectors" are important in transmission of…