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Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Quagga Mussel Intercepted on Sailboat Hull (Mar 10, 2011) Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. An exotic quagga mussel adult was found on a sailboat hull during an inspection conducted at the Dayton Yacht harbor near Flathead Lake…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Scientists Find That Non-native Snakes Are Taking a Toll on Native Birds (Mar 10, 2011) Smithsonian Institution. The Everglades National Park in Florida has become the well-established home of the non-native Burmese python -- known…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Nutria Videos Highlight Growing Problem (Mar 9, 2011) USDA . FS . Pacific Region. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released two videos about the growing presence of non-native nutria in Oregon and Washington, two of 15 states…
A new emergency increase to the butterfish fishing limit will enable squid fishermen off the northeast, who often catch butterfish unintentionally while fishing for squid, to continue working, while still protecting the butterfish stock.
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S
By Mary WiggintonRight now, Cynthia Nolt-Helms is up to her blue eyes in the never ending roll of logistic details needed to run EPA’s annual P3 Award, a college competition for sustainability.With her team, Cynthia produces EPA’s Earth Day event on the National Mall in Washington, DC. But…
NOAA scientists and academic partners have found a way to use air chemistry measurements taken hundreds of feet above last year’s BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill to estimate how fast gases and oil were leaking from the reservoir thousands of feet underwater.
With many communities throughout the nation facing threats of spring flooding, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are once again joining forces to commemorate Flood Safety Awareness Week March 14 - 18.
WASHINGTON – Following through on a January 2011 commitment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to defer, for three years, Clean Air Act permitting requirements for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from bioenergy and other biogenic sources
By Veronica Blette“Uh-oh, that can’t be good,†I thought as I entered my house to hear the sound of running water. I went upstairs to find that the flapper on my toilet had become stuck in the open position, which led to its earnest, yet futile, efforts to fill the bowl all day long. Yes,…
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing a list of U.S. metropolitan areas with the greatest number of energy-efficient buildings that earned EPA’s Energy Star certification in 2010
NOAA's Fisheries Service today announced it is implementing the regulatory recommendations of the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) due to concerns over declining halibut stocks. These regulations include limiting the maximum size of a halibut caught by charter anglers in…
Data about water use is only one kind of water data that USGS compiles. We also collect data about the country's surface water , such as how much water is flowing in our streams and rivers, and when a river reaches 'flood stage.' Ground water is studied -- the amount of water stored in…
Media Contacts: (EPA) Phillippa Cannon, 312-353-6218, cannon.phillippa@epa.gov (EcoCar) Kimberly DeClark, 202-441-0096, kdeclark@anl.gov FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE No
WASHINGTON – Across the country, household leaks waste more than 1 trillion gallons of water per year – enough to supply the water needs of Chicago, Miami, and Los Angeles combined. Easily corrected household leaks can increase homeowners’ water bills by 12 percent
(New York, N.Y.) Under the terms of an enforcement agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the City of Yonkers has initiated a program to recycle fluorescent light bulbs, as well as light ballasts and electronic waste, known as E-waste
(New York, N.Y.) Under the terms of an enforcement agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the City of Yonkers has initiated a program to recycle fluorescent light bulbs, as well as light ballasts and electronic waste, known as E-waste
WASHINGTON – Across the country, household leaks waste more than 1 trillion gallons of water per year – enough to supply the water needs of Chicago, Miami, and Los Angeles combined. Easily corrected household leaks can increase homeowners’ water bills by 12 percent
By Michelle DePassI am not a scientist, but in the world of environmental policy, science is a part of our everyday discussions and decisions. So I’m happy to help carry the message about the importance of promoting science and technology as the key to moving forward an agenda as large as…
As prepared for delivery. Chairmen Whitfield and Shimkus, Ranking Members Rush and Green, and Members of the Subcommittees: Thank you for inviting me to testify about President Obama’s budget request for the Environmental Protection Agency
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Quagga Mussel Intercepted on Sailboat Hull (Mar 10, 2011) Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. An exotic quagga mussel adult was found on a sailboat hull during an inspection conducted at the Dayton Yacht harbor near Flathead Lake…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Scientists Find That Non-native Snakes Are Taking a Toll on Native Birds (Mar 10, 2011) Smithsonian Institution. The Everglades National Park in Florida has become the well-established home of the non-native Burmese python -- known…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Nutria Videos Highlight Growing Problem (Mar 9, 2011) USDA . FS . Pacific Region. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released two videos about the growing presence of non-native nutria in Oregon and Washington, two of 15 states…
A new emergency increase to the butterfish fishing limit will enable squid fishermen off the northeast, who often catch butterfish unintentionally while fishing for squid, to continue working, while still protecting the butterfish stock.
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S
By Mary WiggintonRight now, Cynthia Nolt-Helms is up to her blue eyes in the never ending roll of logistic details needed to run EPA’s annual P3 Award, a college competition for sustainability.With her team, Cynthia produces EPA’s Earth Day event on the National Mall in Washington, DC. But…
NOAA scientists and academic partners have found a way to use air chemistry measurements taken hundreds of feet above last year’s BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill to estimate how fast gases and oil were leaking from the reservoir thousands of feet underwater.
With many communities throughout the nation facing threats of spring flooding, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are once again joining forces to commemorate Flood Safety Awareness Week March 14 - 18.
WASHINGTON – Following through on a January 2011 commitment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to defer, for three years, Clean Air Act permitting requirements for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from bioenergy and other biogenic sources
By Veronica Blette“Uh-oh, that can’t be good,†I thought as I entered my house to hear the sound of running water. I went upstairs to find that the flapper on my toilet had become stuck in the open position, which led to its earnest, yet futile, efforts to fill the bowl all day long. Yes,…
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing a list of U.S. metropolitan areas with the greatest number of energy-efficient buildings that earned EPA’s Energy Star certification in 2010
NOAA's Fisheries Service today announced it is implementing the regulatory recommendations of the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) due to concerns over declining halibut stocks. These regulations include limiting the maximum size of a halibut caught by charter anglers in…
Data about water use is only one kind of water data that USGS compiles. We also collect data about the country's surface water , such as how much water is flowing in our streams and rivers, and when a river reaches 'flood stage.' Ground water is studied -- the amount of water stored in…
Media Contacts: (EPA) Phillippa Cannon, 312-353-6218, cannon.phillippa@epa.gov (EcoCar) Kimberly DeClark, 202-441-0096, kdeclark@anl.gov FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE No
WASHINGTON – Across the country, household leaks waste more than 1 trillion gallons of water per year – enough to supply the water needs of Chicago, Miami, and Los Angeles combined. Easily corrected household leaks can increase homeowners’ water bills by 12 percent
(New York, N.Y.) Under the terms of an enforcement agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the City of Yonkers has initiated a program to recycle fluorescent light bulbs, as well as light ballasts and electronic waste, known as E-waste
(New York, N.Y.) Under the terms of an enforcement agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the City of Yonkers has initiated a program to recycle fluorescent light bulbs, as well as light ballasts and electronic waste, known as E-waste
WASHINGTON – Across the country, household leaks waste more than 1 trillion gallons of water per year – enough to supply the water needs of Chicago, Miami, and Los Angeles combined. Easily corrected household leaks can increase homeowners’ water bills by 12 percent
By Michelle DePassI am not a scientist, but in the world of environmental policy, science is a part of our everyday discussions and decisions. So I’m happy to help carry the message about the importance of promoting science and technology as the key to moving forward an agenda as large as…
As prepared for delivery. Chairmen Whitfield and Shimkus, Ranking Members Rush and Green, and Members of the Subcommittees: Thank you for inviting me to testify about President Obama’s budget request for the Environmental Protection Agency