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Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- White-Nose Syndrome Devasting Bat Colonies (Winter 2011) Animal Welfare Institute. AWI Quarterly. White-Nose Syndrome has killed at least one million bats - and probably far more than that - as it has raced across the eastern…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Interest Environmental Law (PIELC) Conference - "Turning the Tides: Creating a Green and Clean Future" -- Mar 3-6, 2011 " Environmentalism Gone Awry: The war on invasive species -- the need for a rational assessment…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- National Invasive Species Awareness Week 2011 -- Feb 28-Mar 4, 2011 National Invasive Species Awareness Week. A week of activities, briefings, and events in Washington D.C. to highlight what is being done across the nation and…
Environmental News FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Kansas City, Kan., Feb
NOAA is again surveying saltwater anglers across the nation to update and improve estimates of the overall economic contributions of saltwater recreational fishing to the U.S. economy.
By Ameshia CrossRecruiting people to do something isn’t easy, especially when those people aren’t even old enough to vote. Believe me; I tried it several times as a teen. I vividly remember supporting green technology and alternative fuel campaigns on my high school campus as well as making…
WASHINGTON – Thousands of buildings across the country are saving energy while reducing harmful air pollutants and protecting the health of Americans with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Energy Star program
To advance the ongoing natural resource restoration planning process following the BP Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico, NOAA and the Department of the Interior (DOI) today announced plans to develop a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) in cooperation with state…
A panel of scientists speaking today at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) unveiled new research and models demonstrating how climate change could increase exposure and risk of human illness originating from ocean, coastal and Great Lakes ecosystems,…
A large swath of the country is at risk of moderate to major flooding this spring, from northeastern Montana through western Wisconsin following the Mississippi River south to St. Louis, National Weather Service flood experts are forecasting. Today the agency released an initial spring flood outlook…
New facility to provide basic sanitation services for tribal members
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- White-Nose Syndrome Devasting Bat Colonies (Winter 2011) Animal Welfare Institute. AWI Quarterly. White-Nose Syndrome has killed at least one million bats - and probably far more than that - as it has raced across the eastern…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Interest Environmental Law (PIELC) Conference - "Turning the Tides: Creating a Green and Clean Future" -- Mar 3-6, 2011 " Environmentalism Gone Awry: The war on invasive species -- the need for a rational assessment…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- National Invasive Species Awareness Week 2011 -- Feb 28-Mar 4, 2011 National Invasive Species Awareness Week. A week of activities, briefings, and events in Washington D.C. to highlight what is being done across the nation and…
Environmental News FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Kansas City, Kan., Feb
NOAA is again surveying saltwater anglers across the nation to update and improve estimates of the overall economic contributions of saltwater recreational fishing to the U.S. economy.
By Ameshia CrossRecruiting people to do something isn’t easy, especially when those people aren’t even old enough to vote. Believe me; I tried it several times as a teen. I vividly remember supporting green technology and alternative fuel campaigns on my high school campus as well as making…
WASHINGTON – Thousands of buildings across the country are saving energy while reducing harmful air pollutants and protecting the health of Americans with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Energy Star program
To advance the ongoing natural resource restoration planning process following the BP Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico, NOAA and the Department of the Interior (DOI) today announced plans to develop a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) in cooperation with state…
A panel of scientists speaking today at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) unveiled new research and models demonstrating how climate change could increase exposure and risk of human illness originating from ocean, coastal and Great Lakes ecosystems,…
A large swath of the country is at risk of moderate to major flooding this spring, from northeastern Montana through western Wisconsin following the Mississippi River south to St. Louis, National Weather Service flood experts are forecasting. Today the agency released an initial spring flood outlook…
New facility to provide basic sanitation services for tribal members SAN FRANCISCO– Today, the U.S
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- A Homeowner's Guide to Preventing the Introduction and Spread of Invasive Plants in Georgia: You Can Make a Difference in Your Backyard (Jan 2011; PDF | 1.6 MB) University of Georgia. Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- See our Conference Calendar for more information for these new conferences and more... European Weed Research Society - Weeds and Biodiversity Working Group 4th Workshop -- Feb 28-Mar 3, 2011 NECIS brownbag lunch: New Studies and…
The Special Master has given an interim report of his progress to date reviewing NOAA fisheries enforcement complaints identified by the Commerce Inspector General and sent by the Secretary of Commerce for his review.
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Simberloff, Daniel, and M. Rejmanek, eds. Encyclopedia of Biological invasivions . University of California Press, 2011. Note : Preview available from Google Books . This pioneering encyclopedia illuminates a topic at the…
02/17/11 - For Immediate Release SAN FRANCISCO– Today, the U.S
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- A Homeowner's Guide to Preventing the Introduction and Spread of Invasive Plants in Georgia: You Can Make a Difference in Your Backyard (Jan 2011; PDF | 1.6 MB) University of Georgia. Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- See our Conference Calendar for more information for these new conferences and more... European Weed Research Society - Weeds and Biodiversity Working Group 4th Workshop -- Feb 28-Mar 3, 2011 NECIS brownbag lunch: New Studies and…
The Special Master has given an interim report of his progress to date reviewing NOAA fisheries enforcement complaints identified by the Commerce Inspector General and sent by the Secretary of Commerce for his review.
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- Simberloff, Daniel, and M. Rejmanek, eds. Encyclopedia of Biological invasivions . University of California Press, 2011. Note : Preview available from Google Books . This pioneering encyclopedia illuminates a topic at the…
02/17/11 - For Immediate Release Chicago --- The next meeting of the Saginaw-Tittabawassee Rivers Contamination Community Advisory Group will be at 6 p.m., Monday, Feb. 28, at Saginaw Valley State University, Regional Education Center, Room ES-202, 7400 Bay Road, Saginaw
By Lina YounesWhen news reports across the United States announced that Punxsutawney Phil, the famous Pennsylvania groundhog, did not see his shadow, I couldn’t have felt happier. Given the inclement weather we’ve had this winter, the mere thought that this ground hog was heralding an early…
Por Lina YounesCuando surgieron los informes noticiosos a través de los Estados Unidos anunciando que la famosa marmota de Pensilvania, Punxsutawney Phil, no habÃa visto su sombra, me sentà sumamente feliz. Con las inclemencias del tiempo del invierno, la simple idea de que esta marmota…
Updated scientific data on red snapper populations in the South Atlantic show that the planned area closure for all snapper and grouper species off southern Georgia and northern Florida is no longer needed. As a result, NOAA’s Fisheries Service is seeking public comment on a proposal to repeal the…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- USDA Announces Additional Funding to Combat European Grapevine Moth in California (Feb 7, 2011) USDA . Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. USDA 's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has released $16.922 million…
By Lina YounesWhen news reports across the United States announced that Punxsutawney Phil, the famous Pennsylvania groundhog, did not see his shadow, I couldn’t have felt happier. Given the inclement weather we’ve had this winter, the mere thought that this ground hog was heralding an early…
Por Lina YounesCuando surgieron los informes noticiosos a través de los Estados Unidos anunciando que la famosa marmota de Pensilvania, Punxsutawney Phil, no habÃa visto su sombra, me sentà sumamente feliz. Con las inclemencias del tiempo del invierno, la simple idea de que esta marmota…
Updated scientific data on red snapper populations in the South Atlantic show that the planned area closure for all snapper and grouper species off southern Georgia and northern Florida is no longer needed. As a result, NOAA’s Fisheries Service is seeking public comment on a proposal to repeal the…
Posted by USDA's National Invasive Species Information Center -- USDA Announces Additional Funding to Combat European Grapevine Moth in California (Feb 7, 2011) USDA . Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. USDA 's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has released $16.922 million…