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Today NOAA reopened 4,281 square miles of Gulf waters off western Louisiana to commercial and recreational fishing. The reopening was announced after consultation with FDA and under a re-opening protocol agreed to by NOAA, the FDA, and the Gulf states.
Lisa P. JacksonAdministratorI was in New Orleans visiting my mother in the days before Hurricane Katrina struck. As the warnings grew more dire, we packed a car and drove out of the city, escaping the destructive force of the storm and the water that flooded the home where I grew up.While my mother…
By Kiri KronerThis week I joined several other members from EPA’s Emerging Leaders Network (ELN) to participate in the kickoff of our Chesapeake Bay Expedition. We volunteered at the Earth Conservation Corps (ECC) located in southeast DC and helped clean up a little trash along the Anacostia…
Comment period open through Sept 30 (Denver, Colo. – August 26, 2010) – The Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in north-central Montana has applied to the U.S
(New York, N.Y.) In its ongoing efforts to require Tonawanda Coke Corporation (TCC) to comply with environmental regulations, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ordered the coke manufacturing facility to comply with its Clean Water Act permit
By Lina YounesDuring last week’s blog on “do-it-yourselfers†and the environment, I mentioned how proper maintenance of cooling/heating equipment and household appliances will help you save money and protect the environment. Well, the same thing applies to cars. Taking care of your car means…
Por Lina YounesEn el blog de la semana pasada, mencioné la importancia de mantener adecuadamente los equipos de aire acondicionado, calefacción y enseres eléctricos caseros para ahorrar dinero y proteger el medio ambiente. Lo mismo aplica a los autos. El cuidar su auto debidamente significa mucho…
Grants Respond to the Spread of Invasive Mussels in the West (Aug 24, 2010) DOI . Fish and Wildlife Service. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that nearly $600,000 willbe awarded to nine projects targeting three of the highest priorities from theQuagga-Zebra Mussel Action Plan for Western…
A relatively new type of El Niño, which has its warmest waters in the central-equatorial Pacific Ocean, rather than in the eastern-equatorial Pacific, is becoming more common and progressively stronger, according to a new study by NASA and NOAA. The research may improve our understanding of the…
(Boston, Mass. – Aug. 25, 2010) – Under the terms of a Consent Decree lodged in federal court, the City of Revere, Mass
(ANNAPOLIS Md. – August 25, 2010) The U.S. EPA today announced that pilot funding is available to local governments and non-governmental organizations in the Anacostia River watershed under the Green Streets-Green Jobs initiative
NOAA and SeaWeb have entered into a partnership to enhance understanding of the nation's valuable, but increasingly vulnerable coral reef ecosystems in the Caribbean, Florida, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Sometimes referred to as the 'rainforests of the sea's; coral reefs provide…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE No. 10-OPA098 Chicago (Aug. 25, 2010) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5's Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative awarded a $630,500 grant to South Shore Clean Cities Inc
Federal officials today commissioned NOAA Ship Bell M. Shimada, a state-of-the-art research vessel that will study a wide range of marine life and ocean conditions along the West Coast.
For Immediate Release: August 25, 2010
Today NOAA reopened 4,281 square miles of Gulf waters off western Louisiana to commercial and recreational fishing. The reopening was announced after consultation with FDA and under a re-opening protocol agreed to by NOAA, the FDA, and the Gulf states.
Lisa P. JacksonAdministratorI was in New Orleans visiting my mother in the days before Hurricane Katrina struck. As the warnings grew more dire, we packed a car and drove out of the city, escaping the destructive force of the storm and the water that flooded the home where I grew up.While my mother…
By Kiri KronerThis week I joined several other members from EPA’s Emerging Leaders Network (ELN) to participate in the kickoff of our Chesapeake Bay Expedition. We volunteered at the Earth Conservation Corps (ECC) located in southeast DC and helped clean up a little trash along the Anacostia…
Comment period open through Sept 30 (Denver, Colo. – August 26, 2010) – The Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in north-central Montana has applied to the U.S
(New York, N.Y.) In its ongoing efforts to require Tonawanda Coke Corporation (TCC) to comply with environmental regulations, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ordered the coke manufacturing facility to comply with its Clean Water Act permit
By Lina YounesDuring last week’s blog on “do-it-yourselfers†and the environment, I mentioned how proper maintenance of cooling/heating equipment and household appliances will help you save money and protect the environment. Well, the same thing applies to cars. Taking care of your car means…
Por Lina YounesEn el blog de la semana pasada, mencioné la importancia de mantener adecuadamente los equipos de aire acondicionado, calefacción y enseres eléctricos caseros para ahorrar dinero y proteger el medio ambiente. Lo mismo aplica a los autos. El cuidar su auto debidamente significa mucho…
Grants Respond to the Spread of Invasive Mussels in the West (Aug 24, 2010) DOI . Fish and Wildlife Service. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that nearly $600,000 willbe awarded to nine projects targeting three of the highest priorities from theQuagga-Zebra Mussel Action Plan for Western…
A relatively new type of El Niño, which has its warmest waters in the central-equatorial Pacific Ocean, rather than in the eastern-equatorial Pacific, is becoming more common and progressively stronger, according to a new study by NASA and NOAA. The research may improve our understanding of the…
(Boston, Mass. – Aug. 25, 2010) – Under the terms of a Consent Decree lodged in federal court, the City of Revere, Mass
(ANNAPOLIS Md. – August 25, 2010) The U.S. EPA today announced that pilot funding is available to local governments and non-governmental organizations in the Anacostia River watershed under the Green Streets-Green Jobs initiative
NOAA and SeaWeb have entered into a partnership to enhance understanding of the nation's valuable, but increasingly vulnerable coral reef ecosystems in the Caribbean, Florida, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Sometimes referred to as the 'rainforests of the sea's; coral reefs provide…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE No. 10-OPA098 Chicago (Aug. 25, 2010) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5's Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative awarded a $630,500 grant to South Shore Clean Cities Inc
Federal officials today commissioned NOAA Ship Bell M. Shimada, a state-of-the-art research vessel that will study a wide range of marine life and ocean conditions along the West Coast.
For Immediate Release: August 25, 2010 Media Contacts: See below SAN FRANCISCO – U.S
A rare and exciting look at the seafloor with images of unusual and beautiful creatures was offered to U.S. and Indonesian scientists working side-by-side at Exploration Command Centers in Jakarta and Seattle this summer. They used cutting-edge technology to fill their screens with live views of…
Each week we write about the science behind environmental protection. Previous Science Wednesdays.By Kerry HamiltonHow would you prepare for a 100+ mile triathlon across the Chesapeake Bay Watershed? If you’re like me, your training regimen is not exactly running 10 miles a day. (Does switching…
Trojan Horse Attack on Native Lupine (Aug 16, 2010) Washington University in St. Louis. At Point Reyes National Seashore in Marin County, California there is a battle between an invasive plant, European beachgrass and a native plant, Tidestrom’s lupine, but with a new twist. The two plants are not…
REEF, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary to Host Inaugural Lionfish Derbies (Aug 19, 2010) Reef Environmental Education Foundation. NOAA' s Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, in partnership with Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF), will host an inaugural series of three…
State Researchers Find New Non-Native Invasive Species (Aug 19, 2010) Massachusetts Energy and Environmental Affairs. A team of 20 scientists led by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sea Grant College Program discovered the first…
A rare and exciting look at the seafloor with images of unusual and beautiful creatures was offered to U.S. and Indonesian scientists working side-by-side at Exploration Command Centers in Jakarta and Seattle this summer. They used cutting-edge technology to fill their screens with live views of…
Each week we write about the science behind environmental protection. Previous Science Wednesdays.By Kerry HamiltonHow would you prepare for a 100+ mile triathlon across the Chesapeake Bay Watershed? If you’re like me, your training regimen is not exactly running 10 miles a day. (Does switching…
Trojan Horse Attack on Native Lupine (Aug 16, 2010) Washington University in St. Louis. At Point Reyes National Seashore in Marin County, California there is a battle between an invasive plant, European beachgrass and a native plant, Tidestrom’s lupine, but with a new twist. The two plants are not…
REEF, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary to Host Inaugural Lionfish Derbies (Aug 19, 2010) Reef Environmental Education Foundation. NOAA' s Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, in partnership with Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF), will host an inaugural series of three…
State Researchers Find New Non-Native Invasive Species (Aug 19, 2010) Massachusetts Energy and Environmental Affairs. A team of 20 scientists led by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sea Grant College Program discovered the first…