USA Number 1

First Amendment Statue at Ground Zero 1776
Left. Left. Left, right, left.
The sound of marching feet coming toward you
Left. Left. Left, right, left.
No sense talking ’bout Amendment 2
If you aren’t free to speak of 1
No battle intended…
But, it must be won
Left. Left. Left, right, left.
More than teach
We need to preach
“No abridging the freedom of speech”
Left. Left. Left, right, left.
God forbid what you did –
Oppress the press
Left. Left. Left, right, left.
Certainly resembled
People peaceably assembled
Until you dismembered
The heart from the body
Left. Left. Left, right, left.
Now, somebody… anybody
Please petition the government
For a redress of grievances
Left. Left. Left, right, left.
Capo 2
About the First Amendment Song .mp4 Video
How to Play the First Amendment Song .mp4 Video
U.S.A. #1 / the First Amendment Song .mp4 Music Video
By Daniel Brouse
Written at Occupy 1776, Historic District, Philadelphia, PA
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- First Amendment Statue at Ground Zero 1776