Let's Go Play!

Wagon Ride LYRICS

You say
You're looking for a good time
You say
Hoping today
Well, I'm
Happy to say
Right this way
Let's go play!
I'll give it a pull
You can give a push
Which way to the pool
We're in a rush
A mad dash to the bath

Order atop the pop-pop
I thought I heard it said
While sitting on my head
"Right this way
Let's go play!"

You say
You're looking for a good time
You say
Hoping today
Well, I'm
Happy to say
Right this way
Let's go play!
Sit on the bottom
We'll float to the top
You push my button
The laughs never stop
In the ear we can hear
I love you, dear

Tambourine Necklace Video

A song co-written with you on September 11, 2023 while your mama and dada went out to a birthday dinner. You loved leading me on new adventures. You would grab my hand and signal, "Walk right this way. Let's go play." You also loved sitting on top of my shoulders and going for walks. Sometimes while sitting up there you would start pounding on my head, "Order in the pop-pop!". Then you would stick your fingers in my ears until I said, "Ears." Next, you would twist your body around until you could look me right in the eye.

We went for a ride in your wagon. Part-way through you climbed out and wanted to push the wagon backwards, so I helped by pulling backwards with you. You also loved the water. We often played with a hose and little swimming pool. On this night, you took a bath... running down the hall to hop in the tub. Once in the bath, you kept showing me your bellybutton. When you found out that I also had a bellybutton, you would go back and forth between your bellybutton and mine.

Foraging for edible plants was another of your favorite activities. You would guide me to your raspberries, blackberries, and even pineapple mint.

You had very good hearing and could distinguish sounds from great distances.  From cars or trucks to barking dogs, you would recognize and respond.  On this night there was a barking dog a couple blocks away, you lifted your head and barked back.

Most of all, you loved to sing and dance to my guitar. You would jump up and down, come over and strum the strings, and stick your finger in the output jack. Thanks for all your love and care. You are the best songwriting partner.

Let's Go Play!.mp3

Chords: E A A E / E G A D C E / E A D E
Instrumentation: Vocals, Acoustic Guitar

Aurora's Music for Kids of All Ages to Sing and Dance To